Friday, November 18, 2011

Specimen #15 Moss

Figure 1: Thidium delicatulum

NameThuidium delicatulum
Common Name: The Delicate Fern Moss
Family:  Leskeaceae
Collection Date:  October 4, 2011
Habitat: Found on log
Location: West Woods
Description: Branching, lighter green, fern moss. Leaves very minute.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; ascending, or hanging from trees.... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, with midrib; margins entire or toothed; cells isodiametric. Class Musci.... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c.All the common mosses. Leaf cells in one layer.  Capsule opening by a operculum. Eubrya.... 9
9b. Stems creebing and branching. Pleurocarpi.... pg 97

Key to Pleurocarpi pg. 97
1a. Leaves papillose... 2
2b. Papillae stand out as knobs or points over the cell-cavity. Plants dull, without luster... 13
13b. Plants not dendroid, variously creeping and branching.... 14
14b. Leaves with single midrib to middle or beyond... 17
17b. Cells not shaped and thickened as above. Family Leskeaceae.... 18
18b. Papillae smaller, often several on once cell... 20
20c. Paraphyllia numerous, filamentous, mostly branched.... 29
29b. Paraphyllia not attached to leaves. Genus Thuidium... 30
30a. Apical cell of branch leaves crowned with 2-4 papillae.... 31
31a. Paraphyllia numerous and long, branched... 32
32b. Stems loosely pinnate, the branches again pinnate or bi-pinnate.... 33
33a. Prongs on paraphyllia near middle of cells. Perichaetial leaves with long cilia on the margin.... Thuidium delicatulum


Specimen #14 Moss

Figure 1: Sematophyllum adnatum

NameSematophyllum adnatum
Family:  Hypnaceae
Collection Date:  September 13, 2011
Habitat: Found on a rock wall near a river
Location: South Chargrin Reservation
Description: Small, branching, green moss.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; erect... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, with midrib; margins entire; cells isodiametric. Class Musci.... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c. All the common mosses. Leaf ceells in one layer. Eubrya... 9
9b. Stems creeping and branching. Pleurocarpi... pg. 97

Key to Pleurocarpi pg. 97
1b. Leaves not at all papillose... 34
34b. Paraphyllia few or none, usually not seen.... 41
41c.Midrib lacking, or short and/or double.... 95
95b.Terrestrial; xeric, mesic or hydric, not constantly submerged... 98
98b. Median leaf cells, that is, long to very long... 106
106b.With several inflated alar cells... 107
107a. Alar cells in a trasverse row of 3 or 4 adjacent to stem. Genus Sematophyllum.... 108
108a. Slender plants on trees or old wood; capsules erect.... Sematophyllum adnatum


Speciment #13 Moss

Figure 1: Archidium ohioense

Name: Archidium ohioense
Family:  Archidiaceae
Collection Date:  September 13, 2011
Habitat: Found on a rock wall near a river
Location: South Chargrin Reservation
Description: Yellowish green to green moss. Very minute, found in tuft.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; erect... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, with midrib; margins entire; cells isodiametric. Class Musci.... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c. All the common mosses. Leaf cells in one layer. Eubrya.... 9
9a.. Stems erect, unbranched, or with branches also erect.... 10
10b. Green plants.... 13
13b. Plants with leaves, with or without capsules.... 14
14b. Leaves attached all around the stem, spreading in all directions... 29
29b. With demonstrable stem, short or long.... 33
33c. Leaves without such outgrowths... 49
49b. Without gemma cups.... 50
50c. Not having either of the above cominations of characters... 52
52c. Leaf cells smooth.... 124
124b. On soil, rocks... 126
126a. Very small mosses... 127
127a. Capsules among, or close to the leaves... 128
128a. Spores large.... Archidium ohioense

Specimen #12 Moss

Figure 1:Thuidium delicatulum

NameThuidium delicatulum
Common Name: The Delicate Fern Moss
Family:  Leskeaceae
Collection Date:  October 8, 2011
Habitat: Found on the ground of the forest on a small twig.
Location: Hiram College Field Station woods
Description: Branching, lighter green, fern moss. Leaves very minute.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; ascending, or hanging from trees.... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, with midrib; margins entire or toothed; cells isodiametric. Class Musci.... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c.All the common mosses. Leaf cells in one layer.  Capsule opening by a operculum. Eubrya.... 9
9b. Stems creebing and branching. Pleurocarpi.... pg 97

Key to Pleurocarpi pg. 97
1a. Leaves papillose... 2
2b. Papillae stand out as knobs or points over the cell-cavity. Plants dull, without luster... 13
13b. Plants not dendroid, variously creeping and branching.... 14
14b. Leaves with single midrib to middle or beyond... 17
17b. Cells not shaped and thickened as above. Family Leskeaceae.... 18
18b. Papillae smaller, often several on once cell... 20
20c. Paraphyllia numerous, filamentous, mostly branched.... 29
29b. Paraphyllia not attached to leaves. Genus Thuidium... 30
30a. Apical cell of branch leaves crowned with 2-4 papillae.... 31
31a. Paraphyllia numerous and long, branched... 32
32b. Stems loosely pinnate, the branches again pinnate or bi-pinnate.... 33
33a. Prongs on paraphyllia near middle of cells. Perichaetial leaves with long cilia on the margin.... Thuidium delicatulum


Specimen #11 Moss

Figure 1: Plagiopus oederiana

Name: Plagiopus oederiana
Common Name: Oeder's Plagiopus Moss
Family:  Bartramiceae
Collection Date:  October 4, 2011
Habitat: Found in a dense tuft in soil, on a rock.
Location: West Woods
Description: Erect moss, a darker green.  Leaves serrated with prominent costa.  Found among other types of moss.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; erect.... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, with midrib; margins entire or toothed; cells elongate to isodiametric. Class Musci.... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c.All the common mosses. Leaf cells in one layer.  Capsule opening by a operculum. Eubrya.... 9
9a. Stems erect, unbranched..... 10
10b. Green plants... 13
13b. Plants with leaves, with or without capsules... 14
14b. Leaves attached all around the stems.... 29
29b. With demonstrable stem, short or long... 33
33c. Leaves without such outgrowths.... 49
49b. Without gemma cups.... 50
50c. Not having either of the above combinations of characters... 52
52c. Leaf cells smooth.... 124
124b. On soil, rocks.... 126
126b. Larger than 4 mm. tall..... 137
137a.  Leaves 3-ranked. Stems triangular, the out cells thin-walled, colorless.... Plagiopus oederi


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Specimen #10 Liverwort

Figure 1: Polygonal areas of liverwort

Name: Conocephalum conicum
Family:  Marchantiaceae
Collection Date:  September 13, 2011
Habitat: Found on rock wall near river (not submerged).
Location: South Chargrin Reservation
Description: Common green liverwort.  Air pores found within polygonal areas which are visible to the naked eye.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Key to Liverworts of North America pg. 156
1a. Plants growing flat, scale-like or ribbon-like, usually fork-branched, without distinction of stem and leaf, green... 2
2. Plant opaque, often showing airpores and polygonal markings.... 8
8a. Air pores visible without a lens, each in a polygonal area. Family Marchantiaceae.... 9
9b. Without gemmae, and without marginal scales on under side of thallus.... 11
11a. Air pore on a low mound of colorless cells.... Genus Conocephalum


Specimen #9 Moss

Figure 1: Gametophyte & sporophyte of Hypnum cupressiforme

NameHypnum cupressiforme
Family:  Hypnaceae
Collection Date:  September 13, 2011
Habitat: Found among forest floor on dirt.
Location: South Chargrin Reservation
Description: Branching moss, green in color.  Leaves lack papillae and costa. Leaves very small, sporophytes persistent.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; erect, ascending..... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, without midrib; margins entire; cells elongate. Sporophyte persisting for weeks or months. Class Musci.... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c.All the common mosses. Leaf cells in one layer.  Capsule opening by a operculum. Eubrya.... 9
9b. Stems creeping and branching.  Sporophyte borne on a very short branch, subtended by perichaetial leaves that are different from those of other branches. Pleurocarpi.... pg. 97

Key to Pleurocarpi pg. 97
1b. Leaves not at all papillose; more or less glossy... 34
34b. Paraphyllia few or none, usually not seen.... 41
41c. Midrib lacking... 95
95b. Terrestrial; xeric, mesic or hydric, not constantly submerged... 98
98b. Median leaf cells 5-20:1, that is, long to very long... 106
106c. With small quadrate alar cells... 128
128b. Leaves complanate... 130
130b. Leaves curved downward or backward.... 132
132a. Shoots flat, the leaves both complanate and falcate. Genus Hypnum... See 118b
118b. Leaves falcate-secund. Genus Hypnum.. 119
119a. Outer cells small and thick walled... 121
121b. Margins plane or more or less reflexed... 122
122b. Branching less precise to irregular... 123
123b. Not exactly as above... 124
124b. Leaves not cordate at base... 126
126a. Leaves entired; alar cells numerous, opaque.... Hypnum cupressiforme


Specimen #8 Moss

Figure 1: Bryhnia graminicolor

Name: Bryhnia graminicolor
Family:  Hypnaceae
Collection Date:  September 13, 2011
Habitat: Found among forest floor, shaded area.
Location: South Chargrin Reservation
Description: Green moss with branches often with leaves with tips twisted to the right.  Some papillae among leaves, costa present.  Moss often found in yellowish green mats.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; erect, ascending..... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced all around the stem, usually with midrib; margins entired or toothed; cells elongate. Class Musci..... pg. 23

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c.All the common mosses. Leaf cells in one layer. Eubrya.... 9
9b. Stems creeping and branching. Pleurocarpi.... pg. 97

Key to Pleurocarpi pg. 97
1a. Leaves papillose, at least on posterior side... 2
2a. Papillae consist of projecting angles of the cell wall.... 3
3a. Leaves with a single strong midrib extending beyond middle of leaf... 4
4b. Leaves .6-1.2 mm. long..... 5
5a. Leaves serrate, translucent, decurrent; cells fusiform. Genus Bryhnia... 6
6a. Branch leaves ovate, abruptly short-acuminate, the tip twisted to the right, deccurent.... Bryhnia graminicolor


Specimen #7 Moss

Figure 1: Plagothecium stratellum

NamePlagothecium stratellum
Family:  Hypnaceae
Collection Date:  September 13, 2011
Habitat: Found on rock in shaded area.
Location South Chargrin Reservation
Description: Small moss with many recurved branches.  Green in color, small leaves that lack a costa.
Collector: Jamie Frost

Key used: Conard, H.S, 1956. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts Revised Edition, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction Key pg. 22
1a. Plants with stem and leaves; ascending.... 2
2a. Leaves equally spaced around stem, with midrib; margins entire or toothed; cells elongate, Class Musci.... pg 22

Key to Musci pg. 23
1c. Leaf cells in one layer, Eubrya.... 9
9b. Stems creeping and branching.  Sporophyte borne on a very short branch, subtended by perichaetial leaves that are very different from those of other branches. Pleurocarpi.... pg. 97

Key to Pleurocarpi pg. 97
1b. Leaves not at all papilose; more glossy... 34
34a. Paraphyllia few or none, usually not seen.... 41
41c. Midrib lacking.... 95
95b. Terrestrial, xeric, mesic or hydric, not constantly submerged.... 98
98a. Median leaf cells 5-20:1, that is, long to very long....106
106b. With several inflated alar cells... 107
107b. Alar cells in a cluster, 3 or 4 transversely and 3 or 4 up margin of leaf... 109
109b. Alar cells decurrent; leaves squarrose, finely serrulate above..... Plagiothecium stratellum

(could not find other sufficient sites)